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There Are Bears There

The following is an internal Mortfield Industries document from Senior Biological Researcher Jacob Mosely, member of the ████████ committee:


In the days and weeks after A-Day, the people of the Iron Corridor were left without guidance by local, regional and national governments on how to continue. In Germany, all communications with major population centers was severed. Mortfield Industries had several ongoing projects relating to █████████ and the containment or capture of dangerous anomalies in the Bavarian Forest. Given that the Bavarian Forest was in the process of burning down following A-Day, we became increasingly concerned with the capture of Anomaly E-9124. The anomaly previously resided in or around the Bavarian Forest, making small forays into nearby towns to capture or kill individuals for consumption.

Eventually, the fires stopped, but the attacks increased in frequency.

Anomaly E-9124 is a human individual of unknown age capable of transforming into a bear/human hybrid at will. The entity is carnivorous and seeks out human prey for sustenance. Prior to A-Day, containment of the entity was carried out through misinformation campaigns and elimination of surviving victims. Given that the entity is a fairly mundane lycanthrope, there was nothing exceptional about it or its spawn except for the entity's ability to evade capture. It is thought that the entity is or was a veteran of several conflicts inside the Eastern Federation, has considerable military training, and is capable of utilizing a cache of gear it has retained from its time in the military.

The primary issue, as I see it is that Anomaly E-9124 is thriving in the apocalypse rather than finding it a detriment. Most anomalies find the destruction of their home habitats to be hard to survive. This anomaly has ramped up its attacks, and with our communication issues as well as manpower shortage due to the nuclear exchange, it is becoming more and more difficult to capture and kill the resultant converted lycanthropes. I believe it is only a matter of time before southeastern Germany is overrun entirely by lycanthropes.

I have attempted to acquire a small nuclear device that we can salt with silver that will hopefully end this threat. So far that has been rebuffed as it is not considered a priority. I've tried to explain to the new chairman that if Mortfield wants to operate in central Europe, this is going to have to be a priority. I was told that we might be focusing on the wrong problems, and that an outbreak of the kind I was describing is a bigger problem for the Eastern Federation than it is for us.

I can't say I disagree, given the lycanthropes’ expected movement East. But I wanted us to continue operations inside the Iron Corridor, so I looked into ways to solve this problem ourselves. I authorized several incursions to help us recover samples and possibly make some use of this anomaly. One thing of note is that this specific lycanthropic strain appears to be mostly unaffected by the radiation blanketing the area. Other types of lycanthropes have shown a susceptibility to radiation similar to that of their human form, but not this one. In fact some drone surveillance has indicated these lycanthropes are capable of withstanding extremely high levels of radiation even while in human form.

I don't have to explain to the company how valuable resistance to radiation can be in this post A-Day world. The vivisection of Anomaly E-9124 related lycanthropes has uncovered a number of useful insights into how to transfer similar levels of radiation protection to non-lycanthropic individuals. Though it appears that full conversion into a hybrid is the best form of radiation resistance, this has its own pitfalls.

Over the objections of the committee, I have infected myself with one of the new strains developed from Anomaly E-9124's unique lycanthropic infection. I have retained all of my cognitive function and my desire to kill and consume humans is more than manageable. Transfer of the infection is only possible through bites or scratches, so I am capable of functioning in everyday situations without too much trouble.

I believe it's possible that this is the way forward for us in the post A-Day world. While I still very much believe that the usage of H.U.S.K.s is the best way to ensure smooth operations continue in and around nuclear disaster sites, this new lycanthropic radiation resistance may be the best method for ensuring the survival of remaining company personnel and humanity as a whole.


Following the dissemination of this memo, Jacob Mosely was removed from the ████████ committee and put on administrative leave until a decision has been made on appropriate disciplinary action.


Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian

Michael Lee-Graham

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