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We Dug Ourselves a Hole

The work was shoddy. Rushed. Whoever did this would've gotten an earful from his superiors in the Eastern Federation Intelligence Services if he hadn't been down there when the bomb went off. As it stood, we were still picking up the pieces. The mine itself is still standing. Clearly, we need to be better about restricting who is allowed down here. The Americans are surprisingly understanding, considering they lost a few of their own people in the blast. I think they know that there are even odds that the spy took the long way around to try to sabotage the project.

My name is Eliasz Nitka. I am the foreman in charge of clearing the debris from the Ruda Śląska intercontinental portal. This wormhole has been in service for approximately 4 years and has been used collaboratively by a collection of American companies and government agencies. And the Polish government which still can't get its shit together on who exactly owns our end of it. At first, we thought the local mining company owned it, but then they got bought out by KGHM. Then the government decided it had a state interest in the mine and took partial control over it. I work for KGHM officially, but I take my walking orders from the Ministry of Industry *and* the Ministry of State Assets.

At first I was amazed at the idea of a wormhole that led to America. The appeal of going through is half of the reason people get posted here. Then they get a quick look at Coalwood and discover that it's somehow less impressive than Ruda Śląska. I guess every country has shit-hole cities.

Sorry, I'm getting off-topic. The point of this report is to make substantive recommendations on increasing security inside the portal complex. First things first, nothing we do on our end is going to matter if the Americans don't do a better job protecting their end of things. I’ve heard that the military is considering setting up a frontline in case EF soldiers ever start coming through the wormhole, but Mortfield is striking down the idea for confidentiality reasons. They’re supposedly already pushing boundaries with the existing security and suspicious traffic transporting goods.

On our end though, we need to finally decide who owns this thing. If it's KGHM, great. If it's the Polish government fine. But which Ministry has control is also going to matter. Every other week we get handed new security measures to enforce by one of our three overlords and half of them contradict our standing orders. It's not a huge morale boost to build enclosures and then have to dismantle them and move them elsewhere in the complex only to have to move them back the next week. We need guards drilled on the same procedures every day. We need stability or this is all gonna fall apart.

I mean it almost just did. The bomb they planted at the bottom of the mine was some sort of anomalous deal. Maybe it was meant to close the wormhole. We're absolutely lucky the guards happened to patrol that corridor at that time of day this time around. But I swear to you, the chaos of our patrol routes is not a good thing.

Approximately 4 billion dollars of material and goods are coming through that portal on a yearly basis. If Poland's going to stand up to the Eastern Federation then we're gonna need those tanks and planes. The nuclear crisis in Kaliningrad is already proving without a shadow of a doubt that our current position is unsustainable as a neutral third party. The Eastern Federation will either kill us by mistake or reconquer us, and I don't have to tell you what happened the last time Russians rolled through Warsaw.

Even though they'll never admit it, the Eastern Federation ordered that bombing. The next bomb might destroy this thing, or bury it. They want us to move away from our new relationship with the West. They want to sink their teeth back into Eastern Europe, and they're never gonna stop trying to kill us.

Heh. You know my number one recommendation is that we somehow get the Americans to start a shooting war with the Eastern Federation. If the nukes go flying most of them will be at people who aren't us, and then the Eastern Federation might not have the manpower to send covert operatives into our territory. I'm kidding, but a man can hope. After sneaking through the portal to see what rural West Virginia looks like, I'm not even sure if the Americans would be losing all that much.

Anyway that's my dumb-ass recommendation. I gotta get back to picking up rubble and rebuilding supports.


Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian

Ignota IronShears

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